big tips

Monday, March 20, 2006

those annoying little balls that form on the surface of different fabrics, or PILLING

last night i was lying in my bed. our bed. of freshly laundered linen which had hung on the line in the sun. there is nothing like the smell of the sun on sheets. i don't like tumble dryers, because they are bad for the environment, expensive and just don't smell like the sun.

i became aware of a mass of pilled sheet under my feet. i had noticed this last week, as i ran my hand over to my honey's side. he wasn't in the bed but i like to stretch out when he leaves for work. and i felt these little balls.

that night we had a conversation about why his side of the bed had pilled, while mine hadn't. we talked body hair, body weight, nocturnal body movement. it was puzzling yet fun and light-hearted.

until i realised that when we made up the bed, the pilled area was still there, and it was under my legs instead of his back!

i suggested we get up and remake the bed.

he laughed at me. i laughed too. we were in a good mood, we had just been watching curb your enthusiasm, and i realise i am both like larry david and his wife. if that's possible.

then my honey said something most interesting.

"shave them off," he said. "that's what you're meant to do to fix that."

once i had established that he wasn't shitting me, i got up and fetched a razor. a lady shave, unused.

i scraped away at the section of the sheet with the pilled balls. i went lengthways a few times and lo, bits of fluff were lifting off. we scraped them off. i put the razor into my bedside drawer and got back into bed.

yes, i couldn't feel the balls. they were gone.

then we talked about my new blog, big tips. john laughed and said well of course, you do have big tips.

so this, i believe, is a very fine tip, and i enthusiastically present it here.


Blogger BEVIS said...

'John' just had to lower the bar, didn't he. :)

I can't really add anything to this one, but I have a surprisingly-large amount of handy home hints (for a guy - ooh, sexist! - but it's true; guys are normally pretty useless at this kind of stuff, but not me), so I look forward to being able to advise you of whatever assistance you may need in the future. And hopefully, you and others will be able to advise me of stuff I don't know as well.

It's a truly great idea for a blog.

4:05 pm  
Blogger Melba said...

hey thanks bevis. i hope the information share does help people. i know people have written books on stain removal and the like. but i often hear tips and it would be good to have a depository for them all.

10:36 am  
Blogger dell said...

um, yes a big curved knife blade works as well. the knife needs to be sharp. i hate pills.

4:13 pm  
Blogger Melba said...

hey hell, nice to see you. i'd be too scared to use a knife i think.

5:41 pm  
Blogger Melba said...

yeah i had one of those little machines. i think they were more for jumpers etc. didn't really work that well for me. razor is good. and if you believe hell, a large curved knife.

10:42 am  
Blogger sublime-ation said...

good tip, my fave jumper has started getting them
("it comes with it's own pilling comb") and want to get them off.
Also Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the most underrated tv shows, dontchya reckon?

2:52 pm  
Blogger Melba said...

hey sublime, i haven't been back down here in a while. didn't realise your comment was just hanging there, as it were.

yes, curb your enthusiasm was excellent. we watched the whole thing a couple of months ago. but i think that arrested development has kept me cacking more than curb. more levels of interest on arrested.

10:23 am  
Blogger Janine said...

Arrested Development and Curb Your Enthusiasm are both GOLD. I wish they weren't over.

As for pilling, I heard that putting sticky-tape on and then ripping it off works well. But it's never worked for me. I shaved two whole couches with the little machine following an eBay sale and that sucked arse. My vote goes to...the shaver!

11:48 pm  

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