if you're like me and want to try and limit the chemicals in the home... er, sorry forgot to introduce myself. rosemary margan*, here. how do you do.
no just kidding, it's me, melbournegirl.
in the toilet i keep a spray bottle with water in it and some drops of essential oils, ti tree is good. and spray to odorise. it works well and i feel good not spraying chemical yucks into the air. also i don't want my loo smelling like a norwegian pine forest. i want it to smell like the ti trees down at mt eliza on a hot summer day.
i want to clean the showers, the tiles are yuck, the grout is yuck. what's a good way to clean them without chemicals?
* On the show of 5 March 1975 Kennedy imitated a crow ("faaaaaark") during a live read of a Cedel Hairspray advert by Rosemary Margan.