a while between tips
i have one tip for you, dear readers.
it's possibly the biggest and most important tip i can impart.
floss your teeth. always. no matter how tired you are, how drunk, how sure you are there is nothing stuck in between them.
i have just returned from an hour in the dentist chair - session #2 of my SECOND root canal.
it's uncomfortable. it's expensive. and it's probably avoidable
that is all.
Comiserations dear Melba.
Think of the poor dentist though - there is not enough money for me to think I would enjoy working all day in the mouth of a careless person (or even a careful person, come to think of it.
Gum health is the key.
I had root canal in the 80's.
Heh - I have braces right now. I know the importance of flossing! Six months between my last dentist vist and the one before that. The former I was praised on how clean I was keeping my traintracks....the next visit I was reprimanded for not cleaning them enough! Only 6 months between! And I only got a little bit slack, flossing 4 times a week instead of the usual 6. Tsk Tsk.
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