big tips

Thursday, July 13, 2006

my first comment asking for advice

the delightful dxxxx left a comment about a problem with some tights.

it reads as follows:

Hey tipster - Got any tips on what to do with a pair of gym tights which *someone* (ie not me) put in the wash with towels and are now covered in green fluffy type stuff? Are they a lost cause or is there something you can do to get rid off the the offending fluff?Much loveDxxxx

don't you love it that she calls me tipster?

here's my response:

i presume the "green fluffy type stuff" to which you refer is pilling which has transferred from the towels to the gym tights?

are they small tight balls or is it a looser fluff?

if small tight balls you can get a little machine that's kind of like a circular electric shaver which shaves the balls off and they collect in a plastic repository. my brother gave me one of these gadgets years ago. i don't know what happened, perhaps i got rid of it because it didn't work, but if i had it, i'd sent it straight up to you.

failing that, you might just have to spend an hour or more picking the fuckers off. have a friend help you.

if it's looser fluff, you might just have to go the manual pick, or there are i think combs that can comb stuff off.

or try the razor method mentioned in the first post, on sheet pilling. it worked for me.

if anybody else has anything to suggest, please do.

and sorry dxxxx for taking a while to get back to you. not sure how long your question was there, i haven't been here for a while.



Blogger M said...

masking tape/sticky tape - roll it around your hand with the sticky side up and then press on fabric - if it's looser fluff it should come right off.

10:16 am  
Blogger Melba said...

hey good one m.

and that's ok dxxxx. i know i have big tips, there's no denying it.

6:23 pm  
Blogger Ann ODyne said...

I'm a Virgo, Only-Child, Presbyterian anal-retentive and I would NEVER have allowed the tights to be washed the wrong way in the first place ... but an Old Fashioned method for fluff removal like a paper-tissue in-the-wash, is to add vinegar to the rinsewater.
This is probably the main ingredient in that 'Detergent-For-Black-Clothes' that is now on the market shelves (if you haven't noticed it, look for black plastic bottle with high price). Down on the bottom shelf you will find bottles of Cleaning Vinegar, large and cheap, wot grandma used to use for windows and everything else.

thanks Melba for your visit to Dysthymia: I was just the housesitter for the horses and it was sad to leave them. Their owner is travelling again in November so I get to hug them again.
I feel sorry for people who are too frightened of big animals to have experienced the large soft hot-breath-y investigative muzzles of 3 horses hoping to find sliced apple.
peace and love

8:31 am  

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