big tips

Thursday, June 01, 2006

how to make a cat, and it seems a dog, take liquid medicine

this tip comes from another outspoken female who is a genius about many things, it seems.

gigi, the dog, was very sick last week.

the vet gave me a pink liquid and a syringe (sans needle) that i had to use to get 20mls of this gloop down her throat.

i was able to get the syringe in, well at the back of her throat. i pushed the hammer and it went down, but then as she swallowed it alot of it came back up, through her lips, which i was holding closed, and then oozed out onto my hands and the floor.

mmm. success.

then when i mentioned this on my blog, aof stepped up with the solution. she said it worked for her cat, and thought it might be a goer.

natural yoghurt. that's it. yoghurt. mix the medicine in to some natural yoghurt. dogs love yoghurt. well, the gigi does, she loves anything, even wood which might be the reason she ended up with colitis in the first place.

i put the medicine in the yoghurt and she licked the bowl clean from one side of the patio to the other. ok, it's a small patio, but she was pushing that bowl around with her tongue like crazy.

and if it's tablets you are giving the dog, i find that they wolf it down if it has a bit of cheese wrapped around it.

so there you go. cheese and yoghurt. yoghurt and cheese.


Blogger GS said...

I have a small cat, with sharp claws, who looks stupid but can be deceptively cunning. Not being a moo cow eater, I first tried her on crushed little pink antibiotic pills in sheeps milk yoghurt. Now, years later, if I ever take the top off a sheep yoghurt jar, she howls and howls til I give her some!

Another tip i learnt - my vet's liquid antibiotic is much, much more expensive than the tablet form. Just crush the pill between 2 spoons and stir into the yoghurt.

11:03 am  
Blogger BEVIS said...

Hmmm, now I'm craving cheese.

(Glad everything worked out for The Gigi. And for Frankenstein's Cat.)

1:12 am  
Blogger Watershedd said...

My Bear used to lick off the coating of the tablet - regardless of the use of cheese, butter or whatever - and spit out the untouched tablet. Solution was crushing the tablet(s) with a morar and pestle and mixing it into his food.

8:48 pm  

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