big tips

Thursday, May 11, 2006

how to find out if there's an annoying yappy dog in the vicinity when you want to buy or rent a house

so there's this house that you want to rent, or buy. you hate noisy dogs, and you want to make sure there's not going to be an annoying one nearby.

this is really easy. and simple. i can't believe you haven't thought of this before.

first, get hold of one of these:

or these:

i myself use one of these, which is quite effective:

this is the gigi. can you feel the gigilove?

then you need one of these:

attach to the dog like so:

do i have to tell you everything?

and go walk in the street where you want to check out a particular property. whenever we walk around the streets all manner of dogs come the howling, the baying, the snapping, the rowfing, the yap-yap-yapping. it's like a kids' book, with all the different noises that come from behind fences when we walk past.

and then you know where they are. works every time, 100% guaranteed.

Monday, May 08, 2006

the world of vinegar

check out this online reference for ways to use vinegar around the house, for cleaning etc. i am off to clean two showers with vinegar right now.

vinegar book