coathanger iss-ews
i have got mostly wooden hangers in my cupboard. now, i know i have said so before, but they all face the same way, ie with hooks facing backwards. but that's neither here nor there.
i need help. can anyone suggest an easy yet effective way to stop things sliding off the fuckers?
i reckon if we could come up with something, it would save the sanity of people worldwide. i am sure i'm not the only one who swears at the cunting things when my bits and pieces fall off them.
and then if we could be bothered we could manufacture these things, whatever they would be called, stop-slips, market them and make a fortune.
if we could be bothered is the operative phrase here.
but seriously now. does anyone have an idea?
and don't talk to me about those strips of ribbon or cord that you can find inside the shoulders of certain chick clothes. i know you are meant to wind them around the top of the hanger to keep the item on. but i cut them off cause they are so damn annoying.